Колко българи издават своите книги на 3 езика? Вероятно не са твърде много, но аз съм един от тях. След изданията на Български, Руски и Английски бих могъл да си позволя и да кажа, че мечтата, превърната в цел, е изпълнена. Книгата се предлага във всички платформи на Амазон – както в Щатите, така и в Обединеното Кралство и Германия. Достъпна е както във формат на електронна книга, така и в класическо книжно тяло. Хубавото на целите, е че след всяка изпълнена следва нова.
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My book is now available in English. You can check its page on Amazon here. It can be purchased both for Kindle and Paperback.

English synopsis:
Over the centuries and with the advancement of technology, history has begun to race faster and faster. Centuries turn into decades, and decades come together over several years. It is difficult for societies to comprehend the pace of development and realize their own insignificance or greatness within historical time. In the same way, the great projection of societies – states and unions find it difficult to realize their own role and the responsibility they bear for developing the new world. In the 21st century, history is running faster; the information flows that flood countries and individuals have no known analogue so far. It made people extremely informed about the present and isolated them from the instinct to learn from the past. The more daily information is received, the less time is spent looking into the recent and distant past. The thirst for knowledge has been massively replaced by the thirst for information.
The following text is an attempt to look beyond one’s own desires, stepping upon the realistic base of facts from the present and the past, modeling a possible projection for what is to come. The ongoing crisis from 2020, triggered by the global pandemic of COVID-19, plays the role of the necessary catharsis and a buffer, which revealed the existing problems of the system. But also played another role – it boosted the ongoing processes for the last decade for reshaping the existing world order and frame of international relations. High technology, scientific breakthroughs and space ambitions are in stark contrast to the world of the little man or the hungry man. The proof that the idea of equality is a necessary dream, while instinct creates contrasts. The world of contrasts will continue to be the world of the future. Nevertheless, the challenges of the recent past and present make it possible to establish an order that creates the conditions for a relatively peaceful existence, with the clear idea that opposition is part of human nature.